Finishing in Style

Most writers have a certain scene stuck in their head when they write.  I know I do.  I feel compelled to write because I can see certain parts of my story so clearly.  I know exactly what needs to happen before I can write the scene that I’ve thought about for weeks.  Sometimes it is the beginning of the story.  Sometimes it’s a random part.  Sometimes it is the climax.

I had four of those scenes stuck in my head when I started this project.  Now that I am in my final two weeks of writing, I have written out three of those four scenes.  Nothing is more satisfying that being able to write out a scene in such a way that gives it justice.  It’s a surprisingly hard thing to accomplish.  Sometimes these scenes have been in my mind for years.  When you finally write it out, you don’t want to get a detail wrong.

Damn.  Writing with passion complicates everything.  Hmmm…sounds about right.

With Love,

5 thoughts on “Finishing in Style

  1. That is so true. Sometimes I get a scene stuck in my head and I know I have to write it out even if I don’t think it will work as a story. I have to write it so I can clear my brain and write something else.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Getting down to each of these monumental, climactic, plot-shifting moments and doing it right certainly feels like an award-winning moment. We’re getting to our favorite parts, after all.

  3. I had a piece I needed one of my characters to say, and suddenly it came time for him to die and I realized he’d never said it! Shoot.

  4. I’m glad to know I’m not the only person who does this. When I get a scene in my head, I have to write it down that instant (otherwise it will disappear completely). I write a book by writing a lot of scenes, then I string them together in order and write whatever is needed to fill in the holes.

    I don’t even write a plot before I get started, unless it comes to me faster than I can write scenes, then I make myself notes so I don’t forget my ideas.

    • I used to do the exact same thing. I ended up forcing myself to just ponder the scene instead of writing it down. It forces me to think about every aspect of the scene before I write it. Still, it’s nice to hear that other people think in terms of “scenes.” I was worried I was taking on too much of a movie-like quality by doing so.

What do you think?